Ethical standards

        Reflect upon your own personal views regarding ethics. Do you believe one can have different ethical standards in his or her personal life and work life in the healthcare field? Share an example you have experienced, witnessed, or heard of...

Analyzing an ethical dilemma.

          You are transplant nurse coordinator, thinking about two patients who are being evaluated for placement on the kidney transplant waiting list. One patient is a 40-yr-old African American schoolteacher. She is married and has two...

US History

    Prohibition Article Analysis Directions: Using the article on the Google Classroom, The American 1920s Prohibition, complete chart. 3 Details/Facts from the article Relevant Vocabulary-list and define • • •   Article Summary What changes occurred in...

Attention Economy and Rhetorical Ethics

Explain challenges brought about by the attention economy and how “doing nothing” (From Jenny Odell’s book “How to do Nothing”) can be an ethical and engaged response. Explain how we might negotiate those challenges as writers seeking to...

Forms of politeness

              What one rule of politeness do you see violated most often in retail stores? What are the most common forms of politeness that you value? What rules do you follow most frequently? Are there any that you struggle with?...