New Testament offers a coherent political philosophy

John Howard Yoder thinks that the New Testament offers a coherent political philosophy. He cites Jesus of Nazareth in particular and finds several key political ideas in Jesus’s teachings. Develop a brief summary of some of the political themes that Yoder thinks are...

Historical examples of multilateral collaboration

  Provide at least two historical examples of multilateral collaboration attempts and assess how each failed or succeeded as a deterrent. As we did last week, my hope is that you will apply the idea of a “Theory of Victory” to help justify your...

Common landform in Georgia

    Pick one common landform in Georgia. Some options include: mountains made from granite like Arabia Mountain, Pine Mountain, Kennesaw Mountain, river banks like the ones on the Chattahoochee, sand dunes, river banks, river delta, rounded hills, barrier...

Personal Integrity And Ethical Foundations

    ethics integrity We each have an idea of what integrity means in our head, but actually defining this concept is rather difficult. What does integrity mean to you? Write a multi-paragraph response in which you articulate your definition of integrity....