Film Analysis

1) A comprehensive description of psychopathology (symptoms) or particular Psychopathological dynamics (Oedipus complex, Existential Angst) depicted,including a formal DSM/ICD diagnosis of the protagonist or main character. This should include specific and relevant...

Film Analysis

How does this film connect or relate to the topics we have covered/discussed in class and/or in the required resources? Does it confirm any specific information that we covered or that you read? Does it contradict any specific information that we covered or that you...

The Hunger Games film.

Describe an important theme in the film..The examples that you give will be film techniques. These techniques could include: · Camera work (shots, movement, angles etc)· Lighting and colour· Costume· Dialogue· Setting· Props· Editing/structure· Sound/sound effects·...

Comparing two different films

A 3-5 page film essay comparing In The White Man’s Image, posted below, with AWAKE, including a description of both films’ content and your analysis of what is happening and why, in each case. Please feel free to include personal reactions to any parts of...

A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard

Watch the film A Beautiful Mind by Ron Howard and answer the following questions 1.Based on the video what was the principal psychiatric diagnosis?2.Explain the origin of the illness/disease process,3.Describe the effects of the illness on the a. client and b. the...

Soft language by comedian George Carlin.

View the clip (YOUTUBE LINK BELOW) on soft language by comedian George Carlin. Comment on how language can distort reality and how language can affect ethics and ethical decision-making.Discuss how awareness of soft language can impact your communication with clients...