How gender roles might affect the family

  Explain how gender roles might affect the family you are going to develop and the relationship between you and your significant other. How will you handle gender socialization issues? Discuss the Ted Talk on Gender Socialization and how the guest speaker was...

Women’s and gender studies. Over chapter 6 the book called It’s called sister in the wilderness by Delores Williams Definition of black liberation theology Definition of women theology How she think wilderness...

Learning the genetic views

Evolving? After learning about the genetic views, choose a trait you’ve seen in someone you know (or yourself) and describe how genetics may play a role.

Representations of gender roles that affect the characterization

Several of the stories have representations of gender roles that affect the characterization, plot, or theme, such as “Gorilla, My Love,” “Are These Actual Miles?”, “Mr. Green,” “The Free Radio,” and others in upcoming modules. Choose one of these stories and explore...