Family Tree Analysis

    Wite a 2-3 page analysis of the family tree you created in Week 1 to illustrate the medical issues and health behaviors that have affected your family for at least three generations. To recap from your family tree activity in Week 1, some common health...

a Corporate Fraud Case involving HealthSouth

  You are a director within your healthcare system at one of the local healthcare facilities and serve as an ad hoc ethics committee member. Your healthcare system’s ethics committee is a multidisciplinary team composed of physicians, nurses, social workers,...

Families’ experience chronic food insecurity

Scenario: Wagner Elementary School is a public K-5 institution, located in Miller County in the Southeastern U.S. The county is largely rural, with Wagner serving children in the only urban area of Miller County- the county seat. Miller County has high rates of crime,...

“Just doesn’t want to be around people anymore.”

Scenario: Mrs. Jones is an 84-year-old, African American woman who lives by herself in subsidized housing in a large, inner-city neighborhood. Her husband of 58 years recently passed away. While Mrs. Jones is in fairly good physical health, she does require medication...