Health Education In Health Promotion

Explain the role of health education in health promotion. How is the nursing process used in developing health education? Describe a contemporary issue, local or global, that a family may experience today. What steps would the nurse take to address these as part of a...

Waste reduction

  There are several types of waste generated in the health care industry: infectious, pathological, sharps, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, genotoxic, radioactive, and non-hazardous or general waste. Create an infographic that illustrates the type of waste that your...

Ethics comittee case study for a healthcare manager

Write an 875- to 1,225-word response to the ethical committee regarding your recommendation as a health care manager presented with this case. In your response, you should: Identify the major stakeholders in the case. Identify the ultimate decisions makers (e.g.,...

Factors Inhibiting Health Care Systems

  George Halvorson declares that “health care is the epitome of a nonsystem” (2009, p. 2). Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following: • What is the basis for this declaration? • What major factors are inhibiting health care in the United States from...