What is Myth?

  Scavenger Hunt—What is Myth? In two to three sentences, identify something specific (a story, belief, understanding, value) that has been called a myth, but that is not considered a myth according to how we define myth in this class. Use these items from the...

Helen of Troy/ greek mythology

    Write a minimum of 1,000 words essay on Helen of Troy. A helpful resource is the Bettany Hughes video, “The Ancient Worlds 4 of 7 Helen of Troy”. Take a position on Helen(Goddess, Princess, Whore) and defend it.    ...

Social media for collective action

  Topic: Benefits of social media for collective action in areas where human rights are being contested Talk about multiple examples of how social media has helped spread awareness of various human rights problems all over the world (in multiple countries) One...

Immigration Reform

    The learner will identify and select a contemporary problem, pose a solution to the problem, and argue for the validity of that solution. Problems, solutions, and arguments must be framed in such a way as to draw on the liberal arts for definition,...

Sex Worker – The Truth Behind The Smile

    View video related to the sex industry or human trafficking. Sex Worker – The Truth Behind The Smile | Antoinette Welch | TEDxAntioch (YouTube|15:10) Link to Video -> https://youtu.be/n9_REwV8zfU In this TED Talk, Antoinette Welch, former ADA in...

Gun laws in the U.S.

  Assignment 1: Speech Outline Directions/Topic: 1. Create a complete preparation Speech Outline using the outline template below for a persuasive speech. 2. Use the topics below: • Gun laws in the U.S. 3. In your Introduction include a sentence that describes...