Journalistic News

Create your own portfolio of journalistic content using disruptive techniques and/or platforms, include a logbookdetailing contact details for any people you spoke to in producing the work (e.g. interviewees and othersources) and then 1500 word critical evaluation of...

Journal of Language and Linguistics

Sexist language is language that expresses bias in favor of one sex and thus treats theother sex in a discriminatory manner. In most cases, the bias is in favor of men andagainst women. This paper firstly discusses sexist language from two typical aspects:sexism in...

Journal: Reflections on 2020

“Longreads”:”NY Times Decameron Project”: Sample Solution

Difference between a sociologist and a journalist

Summarize the articles.Provide a comparison and contrast of how a sociologist and a journalist approach the subject (For example, what is considered convincing evidence? What are the standards of objectivity or “fairness” in discussing a topic? What are the...