How social media is related to Nasty Gal’s business model?

How was social media related to Nasty Gal’s business model? To what extent was Nasty Gal a “social” business?What management, organization, and technology problems were responsible for Nasty Gal’s failure as a business?Could Nasty Gal have avoided bankruptcy? Explain...

Social Media Debate

Points for AnalysisYou will analyze the logic of the author’s case by evaluating both the use of evidence and the logical connections. In reading the author’s argument, consider the following:• what evidence is given?• what conclusions are made?• what...

Popular media review

Read, see, listen to, a popular media presentation (e.g. magazine or newspaper article, podcast, documentary, TED talk, etc.) having to do with brain andbehavior and write an approximately 2 page evaluation of the presentation: are the statements it makes grounded in...

Interactive media piece

Review the interactive media piece in this week’s Resources and reflect on the types of drugs used to treat pediatric patients with mood disorders. Reflect on situations in which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use. Think about strategies to make the...