Facebook’s initiative in combatting the fake news.

This above article is an academic research work on Facebook’s initiative in combatting the fake news. The social media uses machine learning algorithms to push information to its users, by the analyzed interests and needs of the users. Thus, one who are into...

Public Policy, the News Media, and Outside Interests

“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” – James Madison Open your physical or email mailbox during a campaign year and you may find hundreds of unsolicited, political handbills funded by individual...

CDC Digital Media Metrics

Link: https://www.cdc.gov/metrics/ Utilizing CDC Digital Media Metrics, your journal assignment should address the following: How can social media be used to reach target audiences and high-risk populations when addressing public health issues?Which social media...

Film and media 146: 6. Dolby Stereo

Please discuss your answers to this week’s questions with your teammates before you enter them into the quiz: What is the effect of our hearing machine sounds rather than dialogue in the following sequence?How does the soundtrack contribute to our understanding...

Can Bloggers Replace Journalists?

READ:Tony Rogers, http://journalism.about.com/od/trends/a/bloggersjournalists.htm Can Bloggers ReplaceJournalistsThe Atlantic, The Rise of the Professional Blogger, by Benjamin...