Social Media in the society

Social medias become a huge part of people’s life. How social medias develop and how do theyinfluence the society, people’s daily life and the way of thinking. Every thing has two sides.Social media shortens the distance between people but increase the risk of...

Media Outlet

Choose a media outlet or media entity and visit its website to determine its parent company. This can be anything from ESPN to the Washington Post. Often this will be in the “Corporate” or “About Us” sections. Refer back to the NPR article in your module readings on...

Media trials

Discuss the statement media trials provide the media with ready-made narratives for entertainment vehicles in the form of movie scripts, episodes for weekly crime and law dramas, and content for infotainment talk shows, books, and other commercial spin-offs. Also, why...

Primary way of Interaction

Describe the primary way that this person interacts with their audience/fan base. How do you or other fans get access to information about the person? Is it direct, indirect? What platforms or media might you use? Then discuss how this person feels about access to...

The portrayal of women in the media

Results of survey have been attached in additional materials. Have to use the answers to do the following with tables, charts and calculations: Demographic analysis of respondents Relationship between age and activeness on Facebook – R2 Linear and coeffecient...