Opioid addiction cause for national and global concern

  Opioid addiction continues to be a cause for national and global concern. Each year, hundreds of thousands wind up in the black market to be sold illegally. Using one of the moral theories from this course to bolster support for your view, do your best to...

First step of the Ethical Analysis

  The purpose of this assignment is to write an outline as the first step of the Ethical Analysis Essay that is due near the end of the term. The Ethical Analysis Essay requires that you analyze a film’s ethical dimensions that include its characters and the...

The decline of science and natural philosophy

        a) What were the possible causes of the decline of science and natural philosophy at the end of the Greco-Roman era? b) Describe the process of decline of science and natural philosophy from the beginning of the Roman period to the fall of...

Providing good reasons for moral claims

  If moral reasoning is largely about providing good reasons for moral claims, where do feelings enter the picture? Is it possible to present a logical argument that you feel strongly about? If so, provide an example of such an argument.

Natural Law Theory and Divine Command Theory.

  Write a 4-6 page essay that critically applies 2 moral theories from this course to a contemporary moral issue. Your essay should provide an informative explanation of the moral theories you are applying, as well as an explanation of a contemporary moral issue...

Thomas Nagel’s What Does it All Mean?

    Choose one chapter from Thomas Nagel’s What Does it All Mean? that was assigned this semester (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10) Write a 2-3 page paper (750-1,000 words. Anything beyond 1,000 words will not be read and you will be graded only on what came...