by Belinder | May 14, 2022 | philosophy
In your mind, did Descartes manage to overcome the difficulties presented to him by Skepticism? Why or why not? In what way, if any, does your analysis of Descartes make use of empiricist perspectives? Please consider arguments and examples from...
by Dan | May 10, 2022 | philosophy
Critically discuss your thoughts, questions, concerns, comments and feelings on the Stages in Field & Field Education in Clinical Social Work. Answer each of the following questions: What is your interpretation of the Stages in Field and your connection to...
by Belinder | May 5, 2022 | philosophy
Can you sum up what the goals and findings of the Atomists and/or the Pluralists were? You may write about both, of course, but because these are such brief papers, we recommend that you choose one. In other words: basically, assuming you were, in...
by Belinder | May 2, 2022 | philosophy
Explain the method that Epicureans use to achieve ataraxia explain how this system leads to acting ethically, that is, treating other people well Explain the method that Stoics use to achieve the goal explain how this system leads to acting ethically,...
by Dan | Apr 29, 2022 | philosophy
1. The definition of a philosophy is having a personal and specific outlook and approach you can use to make decisions and take actions. Your nursing philosophy could include your attitudes about working in healthcare facilities, working as part of a team or how you...
by Belinder | Apr 24, 2022 | philosophy
For the philosophes of the 18th century, Bourgeoisie, did not simply mean being part of an economic middle class; instead it meant to taking part in a ‘middle way.’ What does this mean and who might have exemplified this idea in his...