Social Psychologists

    Final Presentation Book Review for Social Psychologists Prepare a three-page (double-spaced) review of the course textbook intended for social psychologists and other mental health or social work professionals. Identify themes from the book that are...

Comparing and Contrasting Theories of Play in Childhood

Prepare a 15-minute narrated poster on the following:Compare and contrast two theories of Play in childhood. Critically evaluate these theories in relation to relevant contemporary research studies.The narrated PowerPoint presentation should be 15 minutes in duration....

Building an Effective Team

  Scenario Your boss has created a new task force responsible for completing a project for a significant client. He has asked you to head the team, as you have the most experience. Your boss has also indicated that many team members have stated that they have...

Understanding and Supporting LGBTQIA2S+ Communities

Discuss one or more of the following: What are the key factors that need to be addressed when working with LGBTQIA2S+ people? Discuss similarities and differences in the several groups contained within the LGBTQIA2S+ community. Are there similarities between any of...