The History of Psychology: A Journey of Discovery

  Essay should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion. Topic (History of Psychology) There have been some very important people in the history of psychology. These people have had a profound impact on the field of psychology. Although they have celebrity...

Responding to Jamar’s Immediate Concerns

Case Two Jamar is a 45-year-old African American man who is self-referred to the agency in which you work. The intake paperwork indicates he is seeking psychotherapy to address several life issues, yet his concerns seem vague. The intake worker indicated Jamar...

Responding to Emma’s Immediate Concerns

  Case One Emma, a 17-year-old Latina high school student, walked into the mental health center where you are doing your internship. You are working on the emergency team, so she is referred to you as a walk-in client. Emma is tearful, shaking, and barely holding...