Social Learning Theory

    Chapter 9 provides as an analysis of psychology as a social science. Chapter 10 attempts to tackle the issue of power, race and gender. Based on the readings from these chapters and information in the associated Learning Modules, provided comprehensive...

The Great Debaters

      You will watch the film, The Great Debaters, in its entirety and follow the instructions below. The film can be accessed by copying and pasting the following link in your browser: The Great Debaters 2007 Full Movie (Links to an external site.)...


• Identify a research question within a clearly defined field of research (up to 400 words);• Explain and justify the epistemological approach to be taken in the research (up to 300 words);• Explain and justify the design of your research and the impact of your...

Basic Income Outline

The Social Problem/ Issue• What is the problem or need on which you are focusing?o Be specific• What is the extent of the problem?o Who is the target/client population?o How many people are affected and how?o What data document the problem’s extent?• How can a claim...