Apple iPhone

  During the run up to his first inauguration, in 2009, pres-ident-elect Barack Obama was informed by security advi-sors that his beloved BlackBerry smartphone was a potential security risk. Hackers and spy agencies, they warned him, might figure out how to get...

Research IT policy management

  Research IT policy management and standards for IT policy creation, formulation, technical configuration, and management. Many organizations list this information and their procedures publicly on their websites, along with sample screenshots of the...

Computers started out as monolithic devices

Computers started out as monolithic devices that people could walk through, and now they can be worn like jewelry. The shrinking of computer size has led to many new and interesting uses. Based on the topics you learned about in this module about digital devices and...

Using digital media

          Discuss a day in your life using digital media and respond to the following questions: What sites and/or applications do you visit most often? Describe the sites and applications that you identify. Do you have positive or negative...