Earthquake-technology-faults Once you’ve read the linked article, write a discussion post that describes which of the hazard zones or events from the article is most impressive to you and why. Include some...

Technology Acquisition

This assignment is a combination of all your work that showed how you implemented your solutions. It includes your problem statement, workflow, and design requirements. This will complete your business objectives. Write a final project report (1,000 to 1,250 words)...

After reading “Don’t Take Away Your Teen’s Phone”

After reading “Don’t Take Away Your Teen’s Phone”, think about the author’s credibility and the kind of evidence she uses. A few things you can discuss: what makes the author credible (or not), what examples she uses, what types of evidence are these, and whether this...

Blockchain for Marketing Speed & Agility

1.What did the textbook readings on how fair trade impacts blockchain technology? 2.What are the use of Smart Contracts in blockchain technology and how does that influence meeting customer demand? 3.What are the benefits of gamification in blockchain technology? How...