Great Leaders are lauded for their success. But, paradoxically, what makes good leaders great are the trials and tribulations of failure. Very often, the lessons learned from confronting fear and uncertainly, and from experiencing frustration, transform good leaders into great ones” and troubled corporations into improved enterprises. Was the CEO’s leadership style a detriment or advantage? Why? Conflict analysis: a. How did the company’s leadership handle the issue? How did leaders responded to growing pressures successfully or unsuccessfully vis-a -vis: i. Respecting the role of the media. Was the media avoided? Was a key message communicated? 
 ii. Communicating. The first rule of crisis management is to communicate. Did it take too long to address the failure? 
 iii. Taking responsibility. Did someone involved in the crisis empathize or publicly apologize for the event that transpired? This is different from accepting blame. Did the corporation communicate what it was doing to remedy the situation? 
 iv. Centralizing information. Were appropriate levels of management updated with information? Were decisions based on transparency? 
 v. Establishing a crisis team. How were decisions made? Was a crisis team established? What (if any) role did the Shareholders, Directors, and employees play? 
 vi. Communicating with employees. Were employees made aware of what the company is doing to deal with the situation? 
 vii. Leveraging third parties. Were third parties used to speak on the companies behalf? 
 viii. Using research to determine responses. Was Polling, market research or focus groups used to provide any essential insight into the magnitude of the crisis and public attitudes about the issue? 
 ix. Leveraging Social Media or website – Was a website etc. created to give quick, up-to-the-minute information and get the company’s story out? 
 5/23/2018 b. What
company’s reputation? was the public relations impact on the company? How damaged was the c. Was time management a weakness? d. Did the adversity impact the company financially? 
 e. Did corporate politics undermine strong decision making? 
 f. What positive policies or innovations resulted from the adversity? 
 Social Responsibility: •Define any ethical considerations associated with the related adversity. 
 •Code of conduct: Was the company’s values, integrity and responsibility 
 •Was a crime committed? Did the adversity result in litigation? Was there a 
Court ruling? 
 •Any new governmental Laws or Regulations authorized as a result?




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