Write a minimum of 750 words essay on Cuba & terrorism. The essay should be structured with an introductory paragraph, a body that provides three to five points, and a conclusion.



Sample Solution

The island nation of Cuba has long been at the center of a turbulent and often violent history, with its strong ties to terrorism and revolutionary activity. From Fidel Castro’s rise to power in 1959 following the Cuban Revolution, Cuba has had a complex relationship with terrorist organizations worldwide. This essay will explore three key aspects of this relationship: Cuban support for Latin American guerrilla movements, arms deals between Cuba and Middle Eastern terrorist groups, and Cuba’s role as a safe haven for global terrorists.

Sample Solution

The island nation of Cuba has long been at the center of a turbulent and often violent history, with its strong ties to terrorism and revolutionary activity. From Fidel Castro’s rise to power in 1959 following the Cuban Revolution, Cuba has had a complex relationship with terrorist organizations worldwide. This essay will explore three key aspects of this relationship: Cuban support for Latin American guerrilla movements, arms deals between Cuba and Middle Eastern terrorist groups, and Cuba’s role as a safe haven for global terrorists.

First, beginning in the mid-1960s, Cuba provided ideological support and training to leftist guerrilla movements throughout Latin America including Peru’s Shining Path guerrillas El Salvador’s Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN). These groups sought to overthrow existing regimes by any means necessary which included engaging in acts of terror against civilians . While these movements were largely defeated U.S.-backed governments during 1990s they left lasting impacts on region – both politically socially.

Second from 1970s onwards Fidel Castro formed alliances with various Middle Eastern nations especially Libya Iraq ; some reports even suggest that weapons biological material have been exchanged between sides . Although degree support Syria given certain moments unclear , it is believed that Cuba may have played small but crucial role supplying militants operating in countries like Lebanon Yemen .

Finally another troubling trend involves presence numerous international terrorists residing within Cuban borders; many al-Qaeda Al-Shabaab members have allegedly found refuge here under protection government officials . Whether or not authorities are aware nature activities remains open question but such reports cannot be taken lightly given potential security risks posed these individuals.

To conclude although there still many unanswered questions surrounding extent involvement illegal activities recent years it is clear that link between terrorism Cuba has long complicated history one marked both collaboration tension. Despite best efforts however combat terrorism at home abroad problem continues persist globally no signs abating anytime soon making resolution more urgent than ever before.

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