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The documentary is a total of 53 minutes. We saw about 18 minutes of it total, in class, we left off at minute 18 – so you have about 35 minutes left to watch. This film is directed and written by Tamara Hernandez.
While you are watching take some notes, however way you would like – I recommend you write a couple sentences worth of notes every ten minutes for example, but you won’t turn in notes this time, it’s just a suggestion.
Write a film review that is at least one page long, double spaced, with 12 point font. Have this film review be about what you liked about the film, as well as what you disliked. Also, talk about how you think the film was made, and how you think it could have been made better. Put yourselves in the director and writer’s shoes; how would you do it in a way that is different? Also, please include one screen-shot from the film in your page, take a Screenshot somewhere during the film, and have that visual guide your film review as well.
Sample Solution