Choose a contemporary moral issue

  1. Choose a contemporary moral issue (you can draw from the cases in the “Prompt 3” document, or any other topic about which there could be reasonable
    moral disagreement) and argue for a position with regard to the issue by applying one or more of moral theories we have examined during the course.
    Explain the basic elements of the theory which you apply, identify the relevant material details of the case, explain their moral significance, and the
    appropriate course of action or policy that should be taken in response. Identify and explain what you take to be the most powerful counter-argument to this
    position. Respond to the objection and explain either why you think the objection fails or how it can be responded to.
    Your essay should be around four pages, double-spaced, in twelve-point font, with 1″ margins. In the paper, your aim should be to develop a position by
    explaining the details of a situation and constructing arguments that could convince a reasonable interlocutor who isn’t knowledgeable of the subject matter.
    That means your paper should both provide context for understanding the theory discussed, and you should clearly detail the reasoning process by which
    you arrive at your conclusions. For additional guidance in planning and developing your paper, see:,
    and feel free to contact me with questions. You may use either MLA or APA formatting, and you should cite any relevant article or text in developing your
    For additional scholarly research and explanation, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is an excellent starting point:

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