Libertarianism (John Milton, John Stuart Mill, John Merrill)
Social responsibility (Hutchins report)
Communitarianism (e.g. civic journalism)
Teleological philosophies (focus on the outcome)
Egoism: What’s best for the individual.
Aristotle: Golden mean.
Utilitarianism. Greatest good for the greatest number.
John Rawls: Justice/fairness. Veil of ignorance.
Deontological philosophies (focus on the act)
Pure rule deontology and pure act deontology
Kant: Categorical imperative.
Judeo-Christian: Golden Rule.
W.D. Ross’ prima facie duties (fidelity, reparation, gratitude, justice,
beneficence, self-improvement, nonmaleficence)
Edmund Lambeth’s system of journalism ethics: Truth telling, justice,
freedom, humaneness, stewardship
Decision-making models
Sissela Bok
Potter Box

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