Career goals are as important as your philosophy of hearth. Determining your goals for the future is an important step in planning a fulfilling and rewarding career. It also helps you to investigate job progress and advancement. You grow as you gain more experience in the field, and these experiences are valuable assets for gaining new administrative positions. You need a progression for yourself and your career ladder goals as you move up. When you are an administrator, you are responsible for solving personal and work problems for employees and participants.
You are a new administrator in a health agency. You are considering hiring a new young professional. The person meets the qualifications and is enthusiastic and bright. Her references are stellar. She is late for her first interview with you. While this is duly noted, she says she is not familiar with the neighborhood or parking and was inadvertently detained. You set up a second interview and she is on time. She is subsequently hired. For the first couple of weeks, things go very well. The third week, however, she is 30 minutes late to work one morning with no explanation. The fourth week, she is 30 minutes late on Monday and calls in on Friday with car trouble, showing up at noon.
What are your responsibilities as an administrator when someone is consistently late? What is your responsibility as an administrator after the first time the employee is late, or should you ignore the first time she is late? How long should you carry someone who is repeatedly tardy for work? What legal procedures do administrators use for documenting performance? What strategies could you use to encourage an employee who is faltering, or should you use strategies? What do you need to do legally if you need to terminate an employee? Is there a probationary period for employees when you can terminate them for no reason? Is an employee manual and contract legally binding? What are employees’ rights regarding termination? Do they get a waming or not? These and more questions need to be answered. Firing someone is never easy and requires a great deal of paperwork. It must be done legally or you put your arng/forpnization in jeopardy of a lawsuit. Firing someone who you know is the family breadwinner is equally affieRtt.vAg`aillahinistratogr4 you may face these and other ethical dilemmas. What are some strategies to deter this empi8yeggiNfigiol-cliga- gridlgyvs’
this dilemma? Would you have the guts to fire an incompetent employee?


















































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