Describe the ways in which your company is committed to being a good corporate citizen.

Hints: Consider the following areas:

Creating jobs

Foliowing the laws of every jurisdiction in which your company operates

Fair and honest treatment of employees

Non-discrimination of employees and increasing diversity of your work force

Hints: If your company is designed as a social venture—in which you have a primary purpose of achieving a social or

environmental goal—describe what that goal is and what aspects of your company are designed to reach that goal.

Provide a rationale for why you have or why you have not chosen this to be a social venture.

Discuss how your company’s activities will affect the environment and identify the steps you will take to mitigate any

negative impacts.

Hints: As a beverage company, consider such issues as your choice of packaging, disposal of bottles / packages by

consumers, and your use of resources, such as water in areas where water may be scarce.

Determine any health issues / claims related to the product you are making, whether negative or positive. Suggest the

strategy your company will use to mitigate any negative issues, and to ensure any positive claims are true.

Many beverage products have negative health impacts on certain segments of a population (e.g.. children, pregnant

mothers, etc.). Suggest your company’s plan, through advertising, distribution, and / or other methods, to target and reach

only appropriate market segments.

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