Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Ethics, and Society: A Critical Comparative Analysis through the Lens of Critical Making.
Read the three pieces of literature listed below and write a paper of 1.500 words (+/- 10%) that compares and contrasts how each paper approaches critical making, focusing on their different settings and outcomes.


Alissa N. Antle, Yumiko Murai, Alexandra Kitson, Yves Candau, Zoe Minh-Tam Dao-Kroeker, and Azadeh Adibi. 2022. “There are a LOT of moral issues with biowearables” … Teaching Design Ethics through a Critical Making Biowearable Workshop. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 327–340.
Hughes, J., Morrison, L., Mamolo, A., Laffier, J. and de Castell, S. (2019), Addressing bullying through critical making. Br J Educ Technol, 50: 309-325. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12714Links to an external site.
Sara Ann Wylie , Kirk Jalbert , Shannon Dosemagen & Matt Ratto (2014) Institutions for Civic Technoscience: How Critical Making is Transforming Environmental Research, The Information Society, 30:2, 116-126,.

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Exploring Critical Making in Technology, Ethics, and Society: A Comparative Analysis

Technology continues to shape our society, influencing various aspects of our lives. As technology advancements accelerate, ethical considerations become increasingly important. Critical making emerges as a concept that intertwines technology, ethics, and society, challenging individuals to engage critically with the making process. This paper will delve into a comparative analysis of how three distinct papers approach critical making in different settings and outcomes.

Alissa N. Antle et al. – Teaching Design Ethics through a Critical Making Biowearable Workshop

In their paper presented at the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, Antle et al. explore the moral issues associated with biowearables through a critical making workshop. The authors emphasize the importance of integrating design ethics into the making process of biowearables to raise awareness about potential ethical implications. By engaging participants in hands-on activities to create biowearable prototypes, the workshop aims to foster critical reflection on the ethical dimensions of wearable technologies.

Hughes, J. et al. – Addressing Bullying through Critical Making

Hughes and colleagues delve into the realm of addressing bullying through critical making in their paper published in the British Journal of Educational Technology. The authors focus on utilizing critical making practices as a means to tackle the pervasive issue of bullying in educational settings. By encouraging students to engage in hands-on making activities that address bullying behaviors, the paper highlights the potential of critical making to instigate social change and promote empathy among individuals involved.

Sara Ann Wylie et al. – Institutions for Civic Technoscience

In their exploration of how critical making is transforming environmental research, Wylie et al. shed light on the role of critical making in civic technoscience within institutions. Published in The Information Society journal, the paper delves into how critical making practices can empower communities to engage with environmental issues and challenge traditional research paradigms. By emphasizing collaborative and participatory approaches to critical making, the authors advocate for a more inclusive and democratized form of environmental research.

Comparative Analysis


– Antle et al.’s paper focuses on a workshop setting aimed at teaching design ethics through critical making activities related to biowearables.
– Hughes et al. center their study on an educational environment where critical making is utilized to address bullying behaviors.
– Wylie et al. explore the role of critical making within institutional frameworks, particularly in the context of civic technoscience and environmental research.


– Antle et al.’s work aims to raise awareness about moral issues in biowearables and promote ethical considerations in design processes.
– Hughes et al.’s paper highlights how critical making can be a tool for addressing social issues like bullying and fostering empathy among individuals.
– Wylie et al.’s research underscores the transformative potential of critical making in empowering communities to engage with environmental research and challenge existing power structures.


In conclusion, the comparative analysis of these three papers reveals the diverse applications and outcomes of critical making in technology, ethics, and society. While Antle et al. focus on design ethics in biowearables, Hughes et al. highlight social impact through addressing bullying, and Wylie et al. emphasize community empowerment in environmental research. By critically engaging with making processes, these studies underscore the significance of ethical considerations, social change, and community participation in shaping a more responsible and inclusive technological landscape. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of critical making practices becomes indispensable in navigating complex ethical dilemmas and societal challenges.

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