Word Bank:
Question 1:
Block grants, civic volunteerism, commerce clause, concurrent powers, confederation, cooperative federalism, devolution, diffusion, dual federalism, full faith and credit clause, granted powers, grants-in-aid, inherent powers, Necessary and Proper Clause, New Federalism, preemption, progressive federalism, reserved powers, supremacy clause, unfunded mandate, unitary government, accommodation, civil liberties, fighting words, free exercise clause, Miranda warnings, prior restraint, clear and present danger, Grand jury, selective incorporation, double jeopardy, hate speech, strict separation, establishment clause, judicial rules, symbolic expression, exclusionary rule, judicial standards, USA patriot act, 1963 March on Washington, abolition, affirmative action, Black power, Brown v. Board of Education, Chicanismo, civil rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, class action, compromise of 1850, De facto discrimination, De jure discrimination, disproportionate impact, domestic dependent nation, Dred Scott v. Sanford, Emancipation Proclamation, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, equal protection of the laws, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), free rider problem, free riders, Great migration, Jim Crow, literacy test, Missouri Compromise, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Organization of Women (NOW), The New Jim Crow, Plessy V. Ferguson, quasi-suspect class, racial profiling, Reconstruction, reframe the issue, school bussing, Section 504, Seneca Falls Convention, Strict scrutiny, United Farm Workers (UFW), Amicus Curiae, defendant, majority opinion, circuit courts, dissent, mediation, civil law, district courts, plaintiff, clear and present danger, judicial activism, judicial restraint, precedent, rule of four, common law, judicial review, Stare decisis, concurrent opinion, litigation, strict scrutiny, criminal law, Lochner era
Question 2:
115th Congress, congressional caucus, reapportionment, cloture vote, earmark, roll-call vote, committee hearing, filibuster, Speaker of the House, committee markup session, floor, unanimous consent, legislative hold, veto, conference committee, President pro tempore, voice vote, central clearance, executive order, override, chief of staff, executive privilege, political appointees, civil servants, expressed powers, political order, delegated powers, going public, signing statements, executive agreements, imperial presidency, unitary executive theory, Executive Office of the President (EOP), inherent powers of the presidency, veto power
Question 3:
Base voters, divided government, Grand Old Party (GOP), New Deal, Nonpartisan election, partisanship, party boss, party caucus, party identification, party in government, party in the electorate, party machine, party organization, party platform, party system, political socialization, split-ticket voter, straight ticket voter, Advocacy explosion, astroturf lobbying, Demosclerosis, Expressive benefits, Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act, gift ban, interest groups, Intergovernmental lobbying, iron triangle, issue campaign, issue network, K Street, lobbying coalition, lobbyist, material benefits, pluralism, power elite theory, reverse lobbying, revolving door, solidarity benefits, special interests, trade association
Question 4:
527 groups, bundling, call list, candidate-centered elections, electoral bounce, gerrymanderer. incumbency advantage, midterm elections, midterm loss, name recognition, negative campaigning, open seat, political action committee (PAC), proportional representation, reapportionment, Super PACs, Super Tuesday, Time/place/manner clause, winter-take-all
1) Why are the courts important in discussing federalism specifically as it relates to civil liberties and civil rights? In doing so, explain the rights of the accused and how the federal courts have protected those rights state law has come into conflict with said rights? Discuss the progress that the courts have helped to produce in terms of inequality in the pursuit of civil rights.
2) Compare the House and the Senate-which institution is considered more powerful? How does divided government (specifically congress) thwart the ability of congress to perform its primary function of legislating? Between the congress and the executive branch which branch is more powerful?
3) Define and explain the differences of a political party and interest groups. How do both political factions use money to advance their political interests?
4) Discuss the process that presidential candidates must endure to receive their party’s nomination. In the exploration of your answer, be sure to include the role of primaries and the types of delegates that can be awarded according to the party (republican and democrat) rules the nominee is attempting to use to their advantage.

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