Despite a growing body of production, audience and data studies, implications of audience constructions in decision-making processes and power shifts in digital and linear formats in a platformised context are less researched beyond journalism. According to my literature review, three key areas can be identified where a more detailed investigation is essential. First, we need to understand how linear producers and commissioners reacted to the transformation process. Second, how the digital practitioners shape the organisational culture and its power shifts. Third, how audience construction is integrated in both linear and digital production processes.

Based on the literature review, three research questions are developed to contribute on the existing understanding of digital format production.

RQ 1: What power shifts are observed in the work of commissioners and producers through the support of audience data?

RQ 2: What influence does audience data have on format development?

RQ 3: Are new work processes introduced by digital format units affecting organisational work culture generally?

Theories: TV production studies, audience construction, data theories

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