How do we maintain positive sexuality in the age of COVID and HIV/AIDS? What is risk reduction? How can we reduce harm? Why should human services students care about and be comfortable with issues related to sexuality? How does this impact practice? Provide examples. What are nine values associated with sex and human services? How do we think about studies of sexuality critically? What is the lesson of Kinsey’s work? What does sex have to do with democracy? Why should we care about pleasure? What does reproductive autonomy mean to you? What is the lesson of Margaret Sanger’s life? What is the best way to teach about sex? If you were in charge what would you suggest? How do we talk with youth about sexuality? What is great sex? How do we support and maintain it? If sex is a moral tug of war, whose pulling on either side and why? Please provide examples. What does sex have to do with justice? What is the difference between sex and gender and why is this important? How do we think critically about gender differences? How do we think critically about sex and gender? What the lessons of Rubin’s ‘Thinking Sex” and McCave, Shepard, and Ramseyer Winter. (2014). Human Sexuality as a Critical Subfield In Social Work.

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