2nd Internship Report about Qatar Navigation ( Milaha Company|)
Balance sheet
- Prepare and analyze the common-size balance sheet for the last reported year (2019).
- Review the main sources of financing and uses of financing. Which are the main investments and the main sources of
financing? - To further analyze investment and financial decisions consider the following questions:
- Short-term horizon
How do current assets match with current liabilities? Are you concerned that current assets are not large enough to cover current obligations (liabilities)? - Long-term horizon
Which sources of financing are used to undertake long-term investment projects?
For this part, compare: a) long-term assets to long-term liabilities & shareholders’ equity, and b) property, plant and equipment (PPE) to long-term debt (LTD). - In your opinion, is the mixture of long-term liabilities & shareholders’ equity appropriate given the nature of corporate assets (e.g., tangible and intangible assets) and the level of cash flow predictability (e.g., highly/less certain cash flows in less/more cyclical industries).
Income Statement - Prepare the common-size income statement for the last reported year.
- Review the main sources of expenses (e.g., large depreciation or interest expenses relative to total sales).
- Do you find the profit margin high/low? (Note: You can use as a benchmark the profit margins in different industries)
- Is it higher/lower than the industry peers? How would you explain the difference (i.e., diversified products, price-sensitive
consumers, entry barriers)
Instructions : - This project must be completed individually.
- Write your name and ID number on the report’s first page.
- Your analysis and report must be in bullet points with discussions.
- All reports MUST be submitted MS Word file (No PDF file will be accepted) via the SafeAssign in the Blackboard to allow for
plagiarism check, which MUST NOT exceed 15%. - Use the data available in the Qatar Stock Exchange, the company’s official website, and any other electronic references.
- Use tables, graphs, charts and any other statistical data to support your answers.
- Number of pages: 6 – 10.
- Font type: Times New Roman, Font size: 12. Line spacing: 1.5.
- The submission deadline is 22/12/2020. at midnight. Late submissions will incur a grade penalty of 10% per hour.
- Failuretofollowtheabove-mentionedinstructionsleadstolosingsomemarks.
Instructions :
- Analysis and report must be in bullet points with discussions.
- Use tables, graphs, charts and any other statistical data to support your answers.
- Font type: Times New Roman, Font size: 12. Line spacing: 1.5.
- use any number of sources and please site them in the reference page.
- Use the data available in the Qatar Stock Exchange, the company’s official website, and any other electronic references like eikon (https://apac1.login.cp.thomsonreuters.net/auth/cdcservlet?theme=charcoal&RequestID=6C07FEBFA84A294710AACEC381EEF1522CB126CB06DCBF06E99943689B65BF6D&MajorVersion=1&MinorVersion=0&ProviderID=https%3A%2F%2Fapac1.proxy.cp.thomsonreuters.com%3A443%2Famagent&IssueInstant=2020-12-13T19%3A41%3A50Z&goto=https%3A%2F%2Fapac1.apps.cp.thomsonreuters.com%2Fweb%2F%3Feikonwelcome%26ampostpreserve%3D7397c240-da04-e549-bb05-c88c218153d8%26srv%3DSTCP-ERPCPRP02) which you can take the various financial statements and ratios from with referencing , you can use these usernames to login ( please keep in mind that they are confidential ).
Sample Solution