THEME: Powerful Images
Selected artwork: Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci.
Writing a Research Essay (30%):
Your job is to conduct academic, college-level research on ANY artwork (painting, drawing, print, sculpture or structure) FROM YOUR TEXTBOOK. This is an opportunity to learn more about an iconic and historic work of art that you ‘like/admire/are fascinated by/are mystified by’ and to introduce it to your peers!
For this assignment, you will tell us about this work of art and why it is so famous. In order to do so, you must answer the questions asked of you in this document by conducting original, scholarly and academic quality research starting with your textbook.
You will then organize your research by answering the following questions in proper sentence and paragraph structure EXACTLY as follows:
Paragraph 1:
-What is the title of this artwork? Who created this artwork? When and where did this artist live and work? Tell me about the artist’s education and/or training. When and where was this artwork created?
(If no artist is known, as will be the case with many prehistoric and ancient artworks, then tell me about what kind of person/worker who is thought to have produced such artworks and/or the patron who commissioned the artwork and thus made it possible.)
Paragraph 2:
-What materials/media were used to create this artwork? How was this artwork made/constructed?
(E.g. Was it painted? Sculpted? HOW was it painted or sculpted? Go into specific detail please!)
-Were either the materials/media used typical or revolutionary for the time? Why or why not? Was the technique/process used typical or revolutionary for the time? Why or why not?
Did the artist have a specific process he/she used when creating this artwork/structure?
(E.g. Did the artist create sketches first? Or use underpainting? Or paint from life? Or conduct specific research before getting started? Or make clay models or mock-ups, etc.?)
Paragraph 3:
- What is the style of this work of art? And what makes this artwork exemplary of that style?
(E.g. Ancient Egyptian, or Dutch Baroque, or Northern Renaissance, or Impressionism, or Pop Art, or Surrealism are all identified as artistic styles. The style of your chosen artwork is found on the chapter from which you selected your image.)
-How had location and time period influenced the artist’s approach and/or style? And what is the subject of this artwork? Is there a story being told? If so, what is it? How does the subject reflect the ideals/politics/religion of its time? What were the ideals/politics/religion of the time that were influential to this artist and artwork?
(E.g. In Italy during the 17th century, the Catholic Church paid artists to create massive works of art featuring the most dramatic Biblical subjects in order to move people emotionally to become and/or remain faithful Catholics. Thus the ‘Baroque’ artistic style in Italy is completely tied to the religion and politics of the day.)
Paragraph 4:
-Why was this artwork created?
(Did it serve a purpose? Was it commissioned, and if so, by whom and for what purpose?)
-Where was this image originally found/housed? Where is it found/housed now and how does this alter our viewing experience of the object from the original intentions of the artist?
(E.g. The Venus of Willendorf was originally made to be touched and carried by prehistoric, nomadic people. Today it can only be viewed under very carefully lighted conditions, on a pedestal in a museum, never to be touched or carried by average people again. Thus the original and current viewing conditions differ greatly, as does the cultural purpose for the object. Then it was to be worshipped and was an integral part of the culture; today it is to be viewed from afar and provides us with limited information about a lost culture/way of life.)
Paragraph 5:
-In conclusion, and based on the above research, why was this artwork so innovative/interesting/powerful that it has become iconic and still captures our attention today? What has this image taught you about history and culture? What has this image taught you about the human condition?
You need to write several sentences for each and every paragraph in order to adequately answer all the questions asked of you. Research MUST be cited throughout EVERY TIME you quote and/or paraphrase another source.
What you need to know about Citations and Sources:
How many sources should I use? And what sources should I use?
You MUST use 3-5 legitimate, academic sources from BOOKS and/or JOURNALS and/or websites. You MUST use your textbook as one of your cited resources for this research paper. Visit the library for good sources!
Can I use Wikipedia or similar sources?
NO. WIKIPEDIA and similar cites, are NOT legitimate sources for this course. You will receive a ‘0’ grade for using WIKI-anything. In fact, I would strongly discourage you from using Internet sources as most students seem to have challenges deciphering a legitimate site from an illegitimate site.
May I use Internet sources for my research?
Yes. But you need to be careful to ensure they are legitimate and academic quality sources. If you are not sure how to do so, then consult an MLA Guide, and or ask a librarian.
That being said, an example of a legitimate website that would be useful to your research would be the gallery/museum that now houses the work of art.
How do I find out where my image is now housed?
In order to find out where your image is housed, use your textbook and read the image label. For example, on p. 255, the image label for image #9.4 reads: Leonardo da Vinci (artist’s name), Mona Lisa (artwork title, always italicized), ca. 1503-1505 (approximate date of the image), oil on wood (medium or materials used), 2’61/4” x 1’9” (dimensions/size of the image), Musée du Louvre, Paris (where it is currently located/housed).
Now we know where the Mona Lisa is currently housed. To continue your research, look for the museum’s website online.
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