What career path are you considering?
Reach out to two individuals working in your career of interest and interview them.
Ideally, one of those individuals will have several decades of experience in that field, while the other might be demographically different -> this may impact the answers they give you, and the information will be valuable.
Ask them about their professional and academic journey. Go so far as to inquire about “the good, bad, and ugly” and what they love and don’t love about their job and/or field. What sort of advice might they give to a younger version of themselves?
You are welcome to write a paper summarizing your conversations, or you can get creative and make a short presentation (no more than 5 minutes) using a medium of your choice, about what you gained from these conversations. Reflect on how your emotional health, and other variables that make up your personality, factor into your career choice. Report on this, as is appropriate.