Big data is the hot topic of the company you work for. With the majority of the world’s data being created in the last few years or an average of 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily, it is the future of business decision-making. You are the Chief Information Officer for a large publicly-traded company and part of the executive leadership team. The executive leadership team consists of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Finance Officer (CFO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Chief Operations Officer (COO), Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). The Executive leadership team has asked you to prepare a presentation about big data and how it will be useful to the company and to each of the team members in their individual roles.

Research any publicly traded company and create a PowerPoint presentation. Remember that each department officer wants to know how the decision to use big data will help him or her specifically. In your presentation, include:

Title slide. Make sure to include the name of the publicly-traded company you are writing about.
Definition of big data’s impact on analytical decision-making
Summary of how big data could impact each department
Human Resources
Analysis of one of the departments using the big data evaluation
Determine the scope (KPIs).
Discuss the planning (variables and measurements).
Discuss operations or implementation of the method.
What data visualization method could be used for results?
A decision tree for implementing or not implementing big data for the company
Final recommendation
Provide attribution for credible sources needed in completing your report

Sample Answer

Sample Answer


Leveraging Big Data for Strategic Decision-Making: A Case Study on [Company Name]

Title Slide

– Company Name: [Insert Company Name]

Definition of Big Data’s Impact on Analytical Decision-Making

– Big data refers to the vast volume of structured and unstructured data that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. The impact of big data on analytical decision-making lies in its ability to extract valuable insights, patterns, and trends from this data, enabling companies to make informed and strategic decisions based on data-driven evidence rather than intuition or guesswork.

Summary of How Big Data Could Impact Each Department


– Big data can enhance financial forecasting accuracy by analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and economic indicators. It can help in detecting fraudulent activities, optimizing pricing strategies, and improving risk management.


– Big data enables personalized marketing campaigns by analyzing customer preferences, purchase history, and online interactions. It can optimize marketing spend, identify target segments, and track campaign performance in real-time.


– Big data facilitates supply chain optimization by predicting demand, streamlining inventory management, and improving logistics efficiency. It can enhance production processes, reduce downtime, and optimize resource allocation.


– Big data empowers data-driven decision-making within the IT department by monitoring network performance, detecting security threats, and optimizing system performance. It can facilitate predictive maintenance, enhance cybersecurity measures, and ensure data integrity.

Human Resources

– Big data revolutionizes HR practices by analyzing employee performance, engagement levels, and talent acquisition strategies. It can streamline recruitment processes, identify skill gaps, and enhance workforce productivity.

Analysis of One Department Using the Big Data Evaluation: Marketing

Scope (KPIs)

– Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for marketing could include customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, and return on investment for marketing campaigns.

Planning (Variables and Measurements)

– Variables such as demographics, psychographics, purchasing behavior, and campaign engagement can be measured to analyze the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Operations or Implementation of the Method

– Implementing big data analytics tools can help in segmenting customers, personalizing content, and optimizing ad targeting based on real-time insights derived from data analysis.

Data Visualization Method for Results

– Data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI can be utilized to create interactive dashboards showcasing marketing performance metrics, campaign ROI, and customer segmentation analysis.

Decision Tree for Implementing or Not Implementing Big Data for the Company

Decision Tree:

1. Is the company currently facing challenges in data-driven decision-making?- Yes: Proceed to the next step.
– No: Reevaluate the need for big data implementation.

2. Does the company have the necessary infrastructure and expertise to implement big data analytics?- Yes: Proceed with a phased implementation plan.
– No: Consider outsourcing or training internal resources.

3. Will the expected benefits of big data outweigh the costs of implementation?- Yes: Develop a detailed implementation strategy.
– No: Reconsider the feasibility of big data adoption.

Final Recommendation

– Based on the analysis conducted, it is recommended that [Company Name] should strategically implement big data analytics across departments to drive operational efficiency, enhance decision-making capabilities, and gain a competitive edge in the market.


– In conclusion, big data presents immense opportunities for [Company Name] to harness the power of data analytics in transforming business operations, improving customer experiences, and achieving sustainable growth. By embracing big data as a strategic asset, [Company Name] can pave the way for innovation, agility, and success in the digital era.

Attribution: Information in this report is sourced from reputable industry publications, research reports, and academic sources such as “Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality 9th” by Steven McShane and Mary Von Glinow.

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