Working Research Question: Can divorce recovery be an effect therapy method post-divorce to facilitate efficacy as it relates to healing? and forgiveness among Christians and Atheists towards the facilitator of divorce? Method: survey’s will be given online as well as through other divorce programs Survey’s can be filled out by adults from the age of 25 to 75 years of age Survey’s can be filled by those who have experienced divorce and those who if they were to experience divorce would they want support from such a group (divorce recovery) Survey’s given to Christians and Atheist Using: TOSCA-SHAME & DEPRESSION & ANGER & SPIRITUALLY Method Draft: INSTRUCTIONS You will write a 5-10-page proposal related to your population. 1. Share your working research question(s) ; 2. Participants you would recruit and how would you recruit them; 3. Procedure for you study (For example, if a survey study, how will you administer the survey–online? If so, what website or degree program will you use? If a qualitative study, what strategy(ies) do you use (Interviews? Focus groups? Etc.)? If an experiment, what will you have your participants do in your study? Etc.) 4. For studies with quantitative designs, describe your measures (How will you operationalize and measure your core constructs and principles?). For those that are qualitative, describe your interview strategy (Semi-structured? Approximate number of questions? Estimated interview time? Etc.); 5. For quantitative studies, define your dependent variables, independent variables, and covariates (if applicable). For qualitative studies, provide sample working interview questions; 6. For quantitative studies, identify what types of statistical procedures you would use to analyze your data and why. For qualitative studies, describe your strategy to interpret your data 7. For quantitative studies, address issues related to internal and external validity. Do not just name threats (e.g., history or maturation), but specifically describe how particular threats are relevant to this study. Also, address statistical validity issues which should include concepts of Type I and Type II errors, power, and effect size. If an outcome study, include clinical significance in this discussion. For qualitative studies, describe the role of investigator biases in your study and how you will demonstrate evidence of quality (procedures to assure accuracy of the data) REVISION INSTRUCTION: PLEASE ADD THE ABOVE INFORMATION TO EACH SECTION NOTE: PLEASE ADD THIS SECTION BECAUSE IT WAS LEFT OUT OF THE FIRST DRAFT: Research Gap: Little or no research on the effectiveness of Christian spiritual support groups to help divorce recovery (then elaborate on this) Research questions (based on the gap): USE QUESTION ONE OR TWO OR BOTH 1. How effective do DivorceCare participants and/or former participants believe the program has been in their divorce recovery? [In your survey, you will have them rate their recovery in different areas commonly impacted by divorce and they rate how helpful they believe DivorceCare has been in helping them get to this point.] 2. How satisfied are participants and/or former participants with the DivorceCare program? 3. What are some suggestions to make DivorceCare even better that participants have? Elements of your Method: Participants: ELABORATE • DivorceCare current and past participants, all adults, men and women, different cultures Measure: PLEASE ELABORATE ON EACH TOPIC BELOW • THIS DOES HAVE TO BE NADE IT IS JUST FOR AN EXAMPLE OF THE MEASURE: Make a survey (may use divorce-related impact measure(s)) 1. Demographic items 2. Divorce impact measure? 3. Religious Commitment Inventory? 4. Items you develop Procedure: ELABORATE ON THE BULLET BELOW • The survey would be developed online (using SurveyMonkey). Email the survey link to DivorceCare participants and former participants. Reminder email after 3 days. Analysis: Because this is a program evaluation, there is no manipulation of an independent variable to measure its influence on a dependent variable. ELABORATE ON THE BULLET BELOW • Evaluating how effective clients see DivorceCare to be in their recovery, also client satisfaction, and their suggestions for DivorceCare. Statistical analyses: ELABORATE ON THE BULLET BELOW • Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations), no need for hypotheses because this is not an inferential study. Based on DivorceCare client responses, you will interpret the data. Internal/External validity: ELABORATE ON THE BULLET BELOW • Limited internal and external validity. Explain the purpose of program evaluations in general (not to produce generalizable knowledge, provides preliminary evidence that a program may work.