Instructions: There are two instructions please read both of them carefully
Instructions 1: Behavioral Protocols. Using the strategy assigned to you: The strategy assigned to you is: “Multiple-Stimulus Without Replacement” you must write a protocol to address one or more target behaviors and present this protocol to your peers using PowerPoint. Your peers will grade your presentation and the information you provide, and this peer grade will be incorporated into your overall grade for the assignment. Be sure your presentation includes the following:
• Identify and define the target behavior(s) you are trying to address.
• Identify the measurement system(s) used.
• Provide a protocol for your assigned intervention with sufficient detail for someone to implement. (I
would recommend conceptualizing your PowerPoint as training your peers in how to implement the procedure.)
• Graphically display hypothetical baseline and intervention data.
Instructions 2: Assignment 3 is done already and it is attached here. With Assignment 3 you will do Assignment 4: Writing Protocols for Conducting Preference Assessments on “Multiple-Stimulus Without Replacement” The protocol for implementing the multiple-stimulus without replacement preference assessment is already done. With that you will now do Assignment 4



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