Describe the difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem. Provide one example of each. Discuss why is it important to ensure your PICOT is based on a nursing practice problem.



Sample Solution

The difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem lies in the type of patient care they each address. Nursing practice problems are generally focused on providing safe, effective, patient-centered care whereas medical practice problems are more concerned with diagnosing and treating disease. An example of a nursing practice problem would be “improving the quality of life for patients living with chronic pain” while an example of a medical practice problem would be “reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by addressing lifestyle factors such as smoking.

Sample Solution

The difference between a nursing practice problem and a medical practice problem lies in the type of patient care they each address. Nursing practice problems are generally focused on providing safe, effective, patient-centered care whereas medical practice problems are more concerned with diagnosing and treating disease. An example of a nursing practice problem would be “improving the quality of life for patients living with chronic pain” while an example of a medical practice problem would be “reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease by addressing lifestyle factors such as smoking.

It is important to ensure your PICOT (Patient/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time Frame) is based on a nursing practice problem because this will help you frame your research question in terms that are relevant to nurses who provide direct patient care. By doing so you can focus on finding evidence-based solutions that are specifically designed to improve quality of care or increase overall satisfaction among different groups affected by certain health issues; which ultimately will have positive implications not only within clinical settings but also at administrative levels as well since changes implemented through research findings can potentially lead towards increased efficiency cost savings etc.. Hopefully now understand why necessary base research questions upon meaningful focused topics related profession instead broad general ones thanks reading!

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