pick a concept and write 3-5 blogs about it. Each blog should need to have a matching picture with it. The specific guideline and marking rubric is in the document. It also includes examples for the project.

Working individually, students develop an online documentary concept proposal for an original online documentary, factual or socially relevant project concept of their own choice. The assessment submission takes the form of an online concept journal and should include 3-5 short development blog posts and a page/post containing the final proposal. The development blog posts can document progressive research and concept development for the idea as it is developed over 4 weeks. The final proposal should include a synopsis, outline of research, discussion of intended audience, concepts for interface design, outline of project structure and evidence of feasibility, both technically and in terms of original content production. It should include support materials including images or other media where appropriate. The final proposal will form the basis for determining group projects to be developed in small teams for Assessment 3.

Clarity of expression
Depth of research evident in proposal and demonstrated in wireframe
Degree of concept development
Relevance of support materials
Demonstrated feasibility of proposal

Further detail
You are developing a proposal for a project that you may end up building later in the semester for Assessment 3, so use this item to undertake research & concept development for an original online documentary project using original content and materials. The proposal will be submitted in the form of a WordPress blog with the blog content also copied into a single document file and submitted via Turnitin. Ideally the blog should comprise progressive research and concept development for the idea as it is developed over several weeks. Include a title for your concept, a brief synopsis – what is the purpose / problem / issue / story you wish to explore in this project? Give some background context, and a statement of the perceived audience. You need to include ideas for the interface design and a plan for the structure of the work. What are the major content areas you will be including? What is the depth of your own research on this topic?

You will need to include support materials, including:
• a wireframe showing the main content areas,
• visual support e.g. ideas regarding the interface design or visual style, mock layouts.
The more detailed, developed and feasible your idea is, the better.

You need to demonstrate the feasibility. How?
If you need to interview people, do you have the contacts? It is up to you to demonstrate the feasibility especially in terms of contacts, interviewees and content generation. Feasible means “possible and practical to do easily or conveniently” i.e. it needs to be achievable within the context of the time, resources and skills available to you in this subject.

It is likely that you will start out a bit uncertain about your idea and then become clearer as you do more research and develop your concept over time.
Bear in mind that your proposal must involve:
• original content (content produced by you or your team)
• research which is embedded within the wireframe (i.e. the research is evident, not just implied by the proposal)
• demonstrated feasibility in terms of producing the project within the semester timeframe, to access your contacts/ develop the content.

IMPORTANT NOTE: No projects can be proposed which are
• food or cooking related projects, i.e. projects involving types of cuisine, local restaurants, or recipe related projects.

You may propose an investigative project e.g. a documentary on sugar addiction, but only with the prior approval of the subject co-ordinator. Otherwise, submission of a food related proposal for A2 will result in a fail for that item.

Some good examples of proposals from previous classes (slightly different criteria):
Vanessa Papastavros The Handbag Project https://thehandbagprojectblog.wordpress.com/project-proposal/
Cheated Culture https://cheatedculture.wordpress.com/proposal/
Integration or Isolation https://hayleyyan54097assessment2.wordpress.com/final-proposal-integration-or-isolation/
Lisa Tuong – Japan by Rail https://lisatuong.wordpress.com
Rose Newland- the Costume Room https://krose2727.wordpress.com
Cato Klafas https://ccklafas.wordpress.com/conceptual-journal/
Sophie Saville – Sweat Eat Think https://sophsta.wordpress.com/online-documentary-research-concept-journal/
Michaela Morgan – Garden of Stories http://mistermarple.wordpress.com/
Bethany Denton Wildlife Warriors https://bethonlined.wordpress.com/
Brynn Davies Distorted https://distortionbrynndavies.wordpress.com
Aimee Kubo Good Scar Bad Scar http://aimeemakikokubo.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/bad-scargood-scar/

Even more
Stephanie O http://stephieloucreative.wordpress.com
Bridget M https://readwind.wordpress.com/
Ellen S https://ellenidoc.wordpress.com
Shani M https://shanisblogsite.wordpress.com
Alex H http://lexhogan.wordpress.com/proposal-generation-inked/
Shannon B https://nativeswimming.wordpress.com/category/assignment-2/

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