Use the essay structure to fully examine one of the following questions from Othello. Be sure to establish a single, clear argument in your thesis
statement and to maintain that focus all the way throughout your discussion. Your writing will also be judged on evidence selection, quote integration,
depth of explanation, and general fluidity.
Be sure to edit your essay carefully. Sloppy errors and poorly written sentences send the clear message that you do not take adequate pride in your
writing and will be noted accordingly.
Iago schemes, manipulates, and betrays his way to top of the list as one of the greatest villains of all time. His evil actually seems to grow as the play
progresses. While he claims at first to intend to “follow [Othello] to serve my turn upon him” (I.i.40), the end of his foul game seems to be solely about
Othello’s destruction, not his own personal gain. Describe Iago’s burgeoning evil, making sure to address his moral compass—or lack thereof.

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