Happy (Pharrell Williams)
Don’t Worry Be Happy (Bobby McFarrin)
Csikszentmilhalyi & Happiness (TED)
Explore “Happiness” from Psychologytoday.com
Here are hyperlinks for the Moral Foundations and Theory part:

Moral Foundations Theory (Wikipedia)
Intuitive Ethics by Haidt & Joseph
Haidt on The Moral Mind on TED
I have to add Ross’s Duties part (please remind me to do so if I forget).


1- Strengths & Weaknesses of Classical Utilitarianism

A. What are the general guidelines that classical utilitarianism offers to moral theory?

B. Referring to classical Utilitarian thought, what are the strengths and weaknesses of this theoretical approach to coping with moral problems?

2- Happiness & Flow

A.What is flow? What is happiness? How, if at all, are they related?

B. What is the experience that you often have that enters you into a flow state?

3- THE MORAL MIND & ROSS’S DUTIES (I need to upload more stuff for you to start this part- remind me).

A. Choose a contemporary ethical problem in your future profession and briefly describe it.

B. Use both Haidt’s MFT and Ross’ Duties to diagnose the problem. That is, use these theories to tell us what the nature of the problem is.

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