Choreography Analysis 2: Rainbow Round My Shoulder
Formatting: 2-page typed. Paragraph form. 12 pt. font, 1.5 spacing, 1-inch margins. Carefully
proofread for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
The objective of this assignment is to develop an analytical eye and to hone your descriiptive writing skills.
Watch: Rainbow Round’ My Shoulder (McKayle)
This dance is discussed in the “Free to Dance” Video (Part II) and in the Jacob’s Pillow Essay about Donald McKayle. You should refer to these resources
before you do this assignment.
First: Do a free-write while watching Rainbow Round My Shoulder. Use active adjectives/ imagistic descriiptors to jot down what you see and experience.
Now, watch it again. Choose one section of the dance to write analyze (include the time segment in your assignment):
Discuss the movement aesthetic that McKayle utilizes (think of this as a set of principles guiding or dictating the outer form of the work)
How does McKayle work with the group of dancers compositionally? Describe the types of compositional devices utilized (for example: unison, call and
response, juxtaposition)?
What meaning is being conveyed?
How is meaning is communicated through the movement?
*Remember to provide support for your statements by describing what you are seeing or experiencing.




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