After watching the film, write a commentary (500-word limit) answering the following questions:

Describe two concrete ideas from Marx’s work that help us understand what happened in Flint, Michigan? Begin by explaining Marx’s ideas and then relate them to the documentary.
What was your favorite scene and why?
Michael Moore’s documentary is from 1989. Do you believe the story he tells is relevant to our times? Please explain.


Sample Solution

Karl Marx’s theories on economics and class struggle are very clearly on display in the documentary Roger & Me. In particular, his idea of alienation is especially relevant to the story being told. Specifically, Moore shows how the decisions made by General Motors management alienate workers from their ability to support themselves and their families. The decision to close the factories leads to a massive unemployment crisis in Flint which creates further economic disparities between those who were still employed and those who lost their jobs.

Sample Solution

Karl Marx’s theories on economics and class struggle are very clearly on display in the documentary Roger & Me. In particular, his idea of alienation is especially relevant to the story being told. Specifically, Moore shows how the decisions made by General Motors management alienate workers from their ability to support themselves and their families. The decision to close the factories leads to a massive unemployment crisis in Flint which creates further economic disparities between those who were still employed and those who lost their jobs.

Additionally, Marx’s concept of commodity fetishism is also seen in this film when Moore visits Flint’s shopping mall which remains open while almost all other businesses in town have closed down due to financial difficulties caused by GM layoffs. Despite this, people continue buying items like clothes and furniture at luxury prices because they believe it will bring them happiness even though they cannot afford it – a prime example of capitalism turning work into objects that are valued more than human labor itself.

My favorite scene was during Moore’s visit with Kriss Perry, an unemployed auto worker whose wife had left him after losing his job at GM. This scene really highlighted the emotional toll felt by many people affected by mass unemployment as Kriss talked about feeling worthless without having a job or purpose in life anymore. It showed how devastating economic crises can be for individuals regardless of any political theory surrounding them.

I do believe that this documentary is highly relevant today both economically and politically given recent events such as the 2008 financial crisis caused by corporate greed or the 2017 tax bill which overwhelmingly benefits corporations over everyday citizens similar to what happened in Flint due to GM’s decision making back then . Furthermore, it serves as an important reminder for why everyone should remain aware of current events so that we don’t let something similar occur again – whether regarding economics or any other issue affecting us today – especially now that globalization has made our world much more interconnected than before .

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