- Background Information:
a. Do a google search on the “Zend-Avesta.” What can you say about its history, contents, purpose?
b. Read the “Table of Contents” in the pdf (p. 8-11). What strikes you about the topics mentioned in the book? - Reading the Text (see glossary below):
a. There are 22 “Fargards” (chapters). Choose any three Fargards and choose one (or more) sub-sections within each Fargard to read. - Reflection: Write a 250-300-word blog reflection on your reading of the Zend-Avesta by answering Questions a, b, c below. Please post your reflection no later than Saturday, Sep. 12. Post a comment on a classmate’s reflection by Sunday, Sep. 13.
a. What do you find interesting, confusing, unexpected about your chosen passages?
b. What, if any, similarities do you see between the Zend-Avesta and other Holy Books you know about?
c. What are some of the differences you notice between the Zend-Avesta and the other Holy Books you know about?
Sample Solution