Answer each question using your own words (not the formal definition). Pretend you are describing each to your friend who is not a statistician.

Describe the two definitions of statistics.
What is a variable?
What is the difference between a population and a sample?
Describe why researchers conduct experiments?
What are the two kinds of variables and their definitions, used in an experiment?
What does a correlation study examine?
Describe the 3 measures of central tendency.
Why do you think we use measures of central tendency?
What is a representative sample?
How can a researcher make a sample more representative?

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Statistics in Plain Language

Two Definitions of Statistics:

1. Descriptive Statistics: These are like summaries that help us understand and describe data, such as averages or percentages.
2. Inferential Statistics: This helps us make predictions or draw conclusions about a larger group based on a smaller sample.


A variable is something that can change or vary, like people’s ages, test scores, or colors of cars.

Population vs. Sample:

– Population: It’s like the whole group we’re interested in studying, like all students in a school.
– Sample: This is a smaller group taken from the population to represent the larger group for research or study.

Reasons for Conducting Experiments:

Researchers conduct experiments to test hypotheses, understand cause-and-effect relationships, and gather data to support their theories or ideas.

Types of Variables in an Experiment:

– Independent Variable: This is what the researcher changes or controls in an experiment.
– Dependent Variable: This is what is being measured or observed and can change based on the independent variable.

Correlation Study:

A correlation study examines how two variables are related or connected to each other, whether they move in the same direction, opposite directions, or not at all.

Measures of Central Tendency:

1. Mean: This is the average of a set of numbers.
2. Median: This is the middle number when the data is arranged in order.
3. Mode: This is the number that appears most frequently in a set of data.

Purpose of Using Measures of Central Tendency:

We use measures of central tendency to summarize and describe data in a meaningful and understandable way, helping us grasp the “center” or typical value of a dataset.

Representative Sample:

A representative sample is a subset of a population that accurately reflects the characteristics of the whole group, making it possible to generalize findings to the larger population.

Making a Sample More Representative:

To make a sample more representative, researchers can use random sampling techniques, ensure diversity in the sample, and consider factors that may influence the outcomes to capture a true reflection of the population’s characteristics.


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