You will design a questionnaire that might be used in a survey to gather data about your research question (you will not be required to actually administer the survey). The survey should try to capture multiple dimensions of your key variables—even simple variables can have depth, color, and dimension. Your questionnaire should also effectively use different types of survey questions to get different degrees of measurements of your key variables.
The paper you submit should be 3-4 pages long. The first page should be the questionnaire laid out in the format you would use if you were actually conducting the survey. Make sure that the format will be easy to read and will not be difficult for respondents to answer. Be sure to provide appropriate spaces for respondents to check or write-in their answers.
Questions should follow all the guidelines discussed in class and you will be graded based on the effective utilization of course content. For example, valuable use of different question types, effective and clear wording, questions and answers avoiding potential bias, etc.
In the following 2-3 pages, discuss these issues (in any order that makes sense to you):
The operationalization and measurement of your key variables
Who is the population that you would survey and how would you conduct the survey? Be sure to address any problems that you might encounter in sampling this population or executing the survey procedures.
The rationale for using a close-ended or open-ended questions
The wording of your questions in order to avoid common problems discussed in lecture/readings. Also, give a couple examples of some alternative wordings that you rejected and why.
Explain why you asked the questions in this order. Did this ordering allow you to avoid some sort of bias? Help increase engagement?
Sample Solution