
Now that you have completed your paper, build and deliver a video presentation that details your solution to thehealthcare issue that serves as your topic.Videos can be recorded using any software or tool, but all videos are required to be uploaded to My PanoptoVideos...


Tom and Carol marry with the understanding that they want to start a family together. Tom wants children, but Carol does not. Carol wants to marry Tom but deceives him by failing to tell him that she doesn’t want to have children. He devotes himself to her and...


Is abortion morally acceptable when the mother’s life is not in danger due to pregnancy? Once you have formulated your question, conduct research from non-scholarly sources on the internet (e.g., news articles, op-eds, etc.) that present substantive reasoning on each...


2019 has seen a resurgence of interest in abortion politics. The possibility that there are now 5 votes on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade–the 1973 case that guarantees a limited right to an abortion–has led to a number of states passing bans or...

Abortion, Birth control & Transgendered rights

1.Abortion access & pregnancy option 2.Birth control & condom avaliblity 3. Rights of transgender or gender non conforming people. The introduction should lead with a “hook,” a few sentences that provokes attention. The introduction should...