Research methods

Health science researchers have long believed the randomized controlled trial (RCT) to be the “gold standard” of study designs. There are many reasons for their contention that an RCT should be preferred to any of the observational study designs. However, there are...

Research Methods

II. Read Chapter 1 of Research Methods and answer the following questions:Researchers have found that 43 percent of children who are in foster care programs in the city of Chicago havealso been victims of child abuse.What type of research design have they used?What...

Research methods

Description Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about. Based on your readings and learning this week describe what research method you would use for investigating it.What drew you to...

Research methods

Description Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you would be interested in learning more about. Based on your readings and learning this week describe what research method you would use for investigating it.What drew you to...

Research Methods

As you look at the Washington Post article and the Gallup data brief (links below) it references, think about how they differ. . What are some differences between the two? Now think about your own proposal and consider how you might explain to a friend what...