Write 5-8 page paper that analyzes a current or historical event/issue, employing the Black Feminist Theories demonstrated by Black women through social media (including websites), music, and the readings.

Here are several different ways to do this:

  1. Reflecting on your mixtape assignment, think about a central issue that you expanded upon with your lyric selections. Find a recent twitter exchange that pertains to that issue and discuss how the twitter exchange helped or hindered black women’s liberation by utilizing the scholarship of Audre Lorde Lorde, Kimberle Crenshaw, or other Black women scholars.
  2. Focus on the different forms of violence experienced by Black women and how “liberal proceduralism” using social media and the scholarship of Black women can help surmount the “-isms” used to oppress Black women?
  3. Focus on what’s missing. Where do you see the need for a digital presence about an issue that would center Black women’s liberation? Propose a website design, including its mission/purpose statement. What Black women’s work would you include and why?
  4. Consider your major. Based on your knowledge in that field of study, explain why Black women have been “erased” from that space, then center Black women’s liberation into it using course materials so show where, how, and why Black women’s issues could/should be included.

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