• Outline the importance of ethical decision making and the need for specialized codes of conduct in psychology. Using these, provide an ethical analysis of the dilemma.
The dilemma:
Dr. Grace Jeffery is a clinical psychologist who partly owns a private psychology practice in NSW, Australia. The practice offers a range of psychological services including psychological assessment and counseling, and Grace usually works with couples for relationship counseling. Grace does not normally handle the bookings at reception. However, today, several staff members were in session with clients booked back-to-back and the phones were ringing off the hook. So, as she was walking past she decided to answer a call. She thought her title of “doctor” might put people off, so instead she introduced herself by her first name only, Grace.
On the other end of the line is Adam, a 20-year-old man who immediately expresses a lot of
agitation and anger. He complains loudly about his parents and his girlfriend. A few minutes into the conversation, Grace realizes that Adam is the son of her next-door neighbors. While Adam now lives with his girlfriend in an apartment in town, she remembers him well. She even attended his high school graduation party briefly and paid him to mow her lawn for two years. During the phone call, Adam expresses some homicidal rage toward his parents, particularly in
relation to financial issues and violence perpetrated by his father. Grace thinks he should come in immediately for a more in-depth evaluation. Adam hesitated to have a face-to-face interview at the practice but agreed only if he can talk with Grace. Grace schedules him appointment for early in the evening.
This essay will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the ethical and legal principles that guide psychologists in ethical professional conduct. You will also apply ethical decision-making processes using an ethical scenario. Ethical decision making is a core skill in the profession of psychology, and it is a skill that we have been practicing in the lab component of the current course. There are many different models that can be applied to ethical decision making. For this essay, it is less important which model you use instead the focus is on practicing the skills you have learnt in the labs using a systematic approach.