Choose ONE of the topics below. In 500 words or less, develop a structured and engaging initial post that covers all discussion points as outlined for that topic.

  1. Construct an engaging 3-paragraph initial post that ties ONE, or a combination of, of the following weather elements to aviation operations: temperature, humidity, wind, clouds, precipitation, or visibility. The paragraphs should address the following points:
    • Paragraph 1: Outline a general definition and description of the weather element(s), referencing this week’s readings on the seven weather elements and atmospheric structure, as appropriate. Include descriptive features about the weather element(s) – its variation in time and/or space, relevant terminology, conventions, common units of measure, etc.
    • Paragraph 2: Summarize one or more impacts of the weather element(s) to aviation operations.
    • Paragraph 3: You have two options for this paragraph:

1) Provide a real example, from an article or documented report (aircraft incidents or accidents, for example), of the aviation impact of this weather element.
2) Give us “your take” on the relevance and importance of this topic from your own perspective, by providing personal points of view or related experiences.

  1. Construct an engaging 3-paragraph initial post relating the vertical variation in atmospheric pressure and density to aviation operations. The paragraphs should address the following points:
    • Paragraph 1: Referencing this week’s readings, describe the vertical variation in Earth’s atmospheric pressure and density, and explain the physical reasons for this observed vertical structure (graphics will add greatly to the discussion here).
    • Paragraph 2: Summarize one or more aspects of how the vertical variation in Earth’s atmospheric pressure and density applies to aviation.
    • Paragraph 3: You have two options for this paragraph:
    1) Provide a real example, from an article or documented report (aircraft incidents or accidents, for example), illustrating the effects outlined in paragraph 2.
    2) Give us “your take” on the relevance and importance of this topic from your own perspective, by providing personal points of view or related experiences.
  2. Water vapor comprises a small percentage of the gases in our atmosphere, yet plays some very important roles in our atmosphere.

After reviewing the discussion of the importance of water vapor in the Composition of Today’s Atmosphere section of chapter 1, and researching other related sources, construct an engaging 3-paragraph initial post that addresses the following points:

• Paragraph 1: Discuss one of the important roles of water vapor (gaseous water) in Earth’s atmosphere
• Paragraph 2: Describe at least one specific example of how this particular role is observed in our atmosphere.
• Paragraph 3: Give us “your take” on the relevance and importance of this topic from your own perspective, by providing personal points of view or related experiences.

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