for Master of Professional Accountancy program (maximum 250 words): Describe a meaningful experience that has helped shape your identity.

I like to use that “I’m a woman who used to live in Iran, where life was hard due to the pressure and restrictions faced by women. It meant not being able to grow, work, or be free. As an Iranian immigrant who moved to the United States at the age of 20, I worked hard, studied, gained experience, and became a citizen. I sought to create a new home and find shelter and serenity in this vast world. Now, I’m a free woman who earns whatever she wanted and has a promising future. After nearly 9 years, I feel liberated, and I’m eager to continue growing and bettering myself.”

you can read about “women, life, freedom” in Iran to have better idea about restrictions and how hard is for woman to live, educate, and work there.


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The Liberation of an Iranian Woman: A Journey to Freedom and Empowerment

Growing up in Iran, I faced the harsh reality of being a woman in a society filled with restrictions and limitations. The pressures and constraints imposed on women stifled my growth and aspirations, leaving me yearning for a life of freedom and empowerment. However, my journey took a significant turn when I made the courageous decision to immigrate to the United States at the age of 20.

Leaving behind the familiar but oppressive environment of Iran, I embarked on a path filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. As I settled into my new home, I embraced the values of hard work, determination, and resilience that define the American spirit. Through diligent study, gaining valuable experience, and ultimately becoming a citizen, I began to shape a new identity for myself – one defined by freedom, independence, and promise.

Today, as a free woman who has overcome the constraints of her past, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and ambition. My journey from a restricted life in Iran to a land of boundless opportunities in the United States has not only liberated me from the shackles of oppression but has also instilled in me a sense of empowerment and possibility.

As I look towards a future filled with promise and potential, I am eager to continue my growth and self-improvement journey. The nine years since my arrival in the United States have been a testament to my resilience and determination, and I am committed to seizing every opportunity that comes my way.

In conclusion, my experience as an Iranian immigrant woman has shaped my identity in profound ways, transforming me into a strong, independent individual with a deep appreciation for the freedom and opportunities that life in America offers. It is through this journey that I have discovered the true essence of liberation and empowerment, and I am excited to see where this path will lead me next.

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